Spotlight Employee – Debbie Harris

Q. How long have you been a part of the Home Hospice/Nursing family?
A. I have been with Home Hospice for 17 years.

Q. What role do have in enriching the lives of our patients/families?
A. My role is many lol; RN, BSN, Director of Clinical Services, PCC, Director of Quality Improvement & Compliance, and Alt Disaster Coordinator.

Q. If you are having a bad day, what do you do to make it better?
A. When I am having a bad day I do several things with the first being I pray, the second I think of all our patients that are ill, I think of my family (both hospice and home), and finally I think of how truly blessed I am.

Q. What is a food you’d NEVER eat again?
A. I will never, ever in a million years eat calamari again.

Q. Describe your perfect vacation.
A. Anywhere where it is cool.

Q. What is the first thing you think of when you get up in the morning?
A. To be sure and think before I respond.

Q. What song best describes your life?
A. Jesus Take the Wheel.

Q. If your pet could talk, what 3 questions would you want the answers to?
A. What did you do today?
Do you ever just look at people and think WOW?
Do you like living here?

Q. Would you rather have a PAUSE button or REWIND?
A. Oh my that is a hard question. But if I had to pick one it would be rewind.

Q. What is your secret to a good life?
A. That is a really easy question – I consider God and Jesus my best friends, I love them more than life, and I talk to them all the time. I sometimes think people probably think I am crazy when they see me driving down the road and I am just talking away.

A Kaleidoscope of Hope

By Karen Fowler

August 21st is National Senior Citizens Day… a day to honor and remember those who have contributed so much to our lives, our communities and this country.  President Ronald Reagan proclaimed this holiday in 1988, to raise awareness about issues that affect senior citizens and their quality of life.

My grandparents were first generation immigrants to North America, their histories would read better than any Hollywood blockbuster. So many of their stories have been left untold, being pieced together during conversations with remaining ancestors. It has taken decades to gather a complete picture, and has inspired decades of fascination with the stories of others.  That is why working in the home health / hospice field of care is so close to my heart.

I remember visiting with a young lady who had just turned 100… and had burned through three microwave ovens, because, “What’s the point if you can’t just heat everything? (Including Campbell’s Soup… in the can!) I am still humbled by one gentleman who drove home, from one of our butterfly release memorials, with a monarch attached to his lapel… eager to release it in his garden, celebrating the sixty plus years of love shared with his late wife. Then there was the 76 year old gentleman who continued to volunteer because, “When you stop learning, you die!”… And another who volunteered for the Red Cross during 9-11, comforting families.  The list goes on and on.

My heart is filled with respect, admiration and love for this remarkable generation. The memories offer a kaleidoscope of hope through the obstacles we face today. Imagine the value of spending true, quality time with your senior loved ones – short visits, or even a quick call to say hello! There’s never a bad to time to make our loved ones feel special – and sooooooo many benefits to reap!