
An Interview with Jacob Groth from Swallowtail Farms

What inspires you to keep doing what you do?

As for your deep and profound question – hmm. I guess I haven’t really thought about it that much. It’s just what I do and what I have been doing for the last 20 years.

But, putting some thought into it, I’d say there are multiple reasons. The first is the obvious one – I’ve got bills to pay and a family to feed! But that doesn’t really answer the heart of your question. I have an MBA degree and so there were a lot of options for me in the earlier years to go multiple directions career-wise. Yet I chose to do this. There’s something about this business that is extremely fulfilling yet at times very challenging and frustrating. I guess you can say it’s a lot like a marriage!

I enjoy the fact that our product sells itself. We don’t need to ‘sell’ butterflies. We just have to make sure we do the best we can do for our customers and make sure that we deliver on our promises. But, there’s no push selling and in fact we often turn away customers because we believe the experience might not go well (if it’s too cold, for example). People are surprised when we actually tell them it wouldn’t be right to sell them butterflies.

I love the fact that our product makes people happy and brings great joy. There aren’t a lot of industries or companies that get the privilege of receiving so many kind notes and pictures from our customers. It’s very rewarding.

Although the challenge of working with living creatures (both plants and butterflies) can be overwhelming and impossible at times, it’s a wonderful thing to constantly be around butterflies and witnesses these amazing creatures. I admit I take it for granted way too much and hope that I would appreciate this business more than I do. It’s easy to focus on the negative. So, I appreciate the fact that you asked the question and caused me to be reminded of the great privilege I have.