
His Story; His Time

I have often been asked, “Is there a scarlet thread through the Bible? – a focus of continuity in life?”

Yes – The Cross and Sacrifice of Jesus – that is the scarlet thread through the Bible. Through the Cross there is a reason for everything – all things do work together for good.

  • Through Adam and Eve’s sin – you could see a cross.
  • Through Cain killing Able – you could see a cross.
  • Through the world destroyed by flood – you could see a cross.
  • Through Abraham offering Isaac – you could see a cross.
  • Through Moses’ striking the stone and denial of the promise land – you could see a cross.
  • Through David’s murder of Urriah and sin with Bathsheba – you could see a cross.

Through every ordeal, sin, failure, disappointment, disease, and death; you can see a cross. It’s the scarlet thread through all history, especially “His story” – There is forgiveness for sin, opportunity through crisis, hope in discouragement always.

God can use anything and everything to accomplish his purpose. Even evil (or what appears to be) can be used for goodness and glory. God can take ego, competition, and lust and use it for His glory when it is overshadowed by the cross.

A stroke, a heart attack, a tragedy, a mistake, and yes, even a death, can be used by God to accomplish great glory – the illustration of this is the horror and glory of the cross and the death of Jesus Christ for our sins.
When things are tough, the weather foul, the experience boring or the prospect dim – wait in God – He does all things beautiful in His time and “His Story”.

Chaplain Dr. Jimmy Braswell
Home Hospice