Hospice Care

Hospice Criteria

Home Hospice is locally owned and operated, and we serve 18 West Texas counties. Our circle of care includes medical directors and nurse practitioners who are available to make house calls, hospice certifed nurses, nurse aides, social workers, chaplains, bereavement counseling, volunteers and more. We honor each person’s choices, while providing excellent care and comfort…Most hospice care is funded by Medicare or private insurance. No patient or family ever receives a bill.

Senior Home Care Services

Patients will be admitted to Home Hospice based on the following criteria

blue bird
  • The patient has a life-limiting illness (i.e. cancer, Alzheimer’s, Lung Disease, etc.) if the disease follows itsnormal progression.
  • Efforts to cure have ceased, and concentration is on providing physical, mental, social, and spiritual care.
  • There is at least one 24-hour care giver in the home.
  • The patient’s physician consents to and authorizes hospice care.
  • The patient resides in our service area.
  • The patient and family are fully informed and elect to participate.
  • The care needed is within the scope of service provided and is in a safe home.

Home Hospice provides core services on an intermittent schedule and is available for emergencies 24 hours a day. Services are provided by a team of trained professionals; physicians, nurses, counselors, therapists, social workers, aides, and volunteers who provide medical care and support services not only to the patient but to the patient’s family and loved ones. We also pay for medications related to the illness as well as medications used for comfort care. Durable medical equipment and supplies are covered as well. Hospice care is provided to patients in private homes, nursing homes, and inpatient facilities. Also, respite care can be arranged to support care givers and families of the terminally ill.