By Dr. Jimmy Braswell
Chaplain — Home Hospice of Odessa
Sitting in a seminary Christian Ethics class, the professor asked us when the Bible became authoritative to us. A variety of answers and then I answered with what resulted in, seemed to be silencing of the class. “The Bible didn’t become authoritative to me until I experienced it.” Perhaps it was too spiritual an answer, affective instead of cognitive, liberal instead of conservative, emotional instead of stoic. But it was my answer. I still believe it. As important as the Bible is to me the experience of its truth in my life is more important. When the Kingdom comes there will be none and no need of Bibles The Living Word will be with us in flesh.
I attended a writer’s conference after seminary. I learned that I was really not compelled to write; I wanted to “have written”. I wanted a book under my belt, another piece of my resume. I wanted to be an author. I’ve never to date published a book. I’ve written a great deal and encourage others to “journal” their journey. But what I am more interested in than the inspiration I receive from reading (and know that reading is profoundly important and valuable) is the journey that leads to writing. That is profoundly personal. I am more interested in the journey that leads to writing and every author, every person must “experience” the book before they write it. it may be that we spend more time immolating what we’ve read than experiencing where, what, why, and how we are going through right now. Violet says to George Bailey in “It’s A Wonderful Life” — “Don’t you ever get tired of just reading about things?”
Reading is vitally important, especially the Bible, but that reading needs to be a supplement to our experiencing God in our own journey of life and writing “without paper” a journey with Him through a unique and never to be repeated life. LIVE!! — That’s what Easter is about — really living —
Home Hospice has a motto — “To live until God sees fit to call us home.” Live — really live — that’s the message of the “Resurrection and Easter.”