
The Love Of God

Dr. Jimmy Braswell/ Home Hospice Chaplain

An ancient Christian mystic, St. Augustine, wrote “Our hearts are restless until we find our rest in Thee.”

It seems that all love, hope, meaning and goodness are found in a relationship with God. In order to understand anything, it is best to receive instructions from the maker of the thing or product. God created us and He created our unique ability to love. To understand love, we must understand Him. Jesus was asked about that “one thing” and He said, to find the “one thing” we are to love God and parallel that to loving each other as we love ourselves. That means to love with respect, understanding and interest. When we love God and others like that everything seems to fall into place and take on great meaning. Do you need direction, purpose, reason, “the one thing”? Then seek out God in your heart and love others as best you can. Look for Him and you will find Him in the experiences of life, along the journey, and in the eyes of others. All other things and choices blur compared with that “one thing” of loving God. Try it, you’ll like it.